Founder, Norine Bishop
January 3, 2022
I love you My Glory Call daughters. I see your consistency in spending your mornings with Me. I eagerly wait for you to voluntarily gather together to give Me the first fruit of your day. This is what I had in mind when I birthed The Glory Call. Everything starts and ends with Me. I am the Alpha & Omega, the Beginning and the End, and All that is in between.
I created you, my daughter, for My Glory. I sent Jesus, and He came that you might have an abundant life here on earth. I don’t want you to just exist. I want you to live purposefully and walk out the plans I have for you; to give you a hope and a future. I come to tell you this morning that I love you, and I have released a Supernatural 2022 transition plan for My church; those who really love Me which includes you My GC daughters. As you continue to exercise Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness” by giving me the first fruit of your day, watch Me, fulfill My promise to add ”all these things” to your life; hope, joy, peace, wisdom, strength, prosperity, divine health, just to name a few.
Again, I am pleased with TGC. Leadership has passed a BIG test and has brought strength to My daughters. You too have played a great part by praying for them, respecting their roles, loving them…you know who you are. I see the good and oh yeah, the bad. Your obedience (not your mom, dad, siblings, or even your GC Sisters) – your obedience and increased spiritual maturity will cause your 2022 to be very prosperous in every area of your life. It’s yours for the asking….
Finally, I want you to know that TGC is going from faith to faith and glory to glory…one sister calls it the Glory Train…this train is moving like a locomotive because it’s impossible to sit at the feet of Jesus every day and stay the same. I want to encourage your obedience to Me…not TGC. This is truly just a tool to enhance your spiritual growth. It’s called Kingdom Living. You want breakthrough – obey Me; avoid offenses (it’s just a choice); forgive more (it’s only hurting you) and repent often (turn from what is not pleasing Me and turn to what is pleasing to Me). I want to WOW you for your obedience.
So, the 2022 Word for TGC is “Get in Agreement with God.”
Love you,
Abba Father